A long long time it has been since I last updated . These days I don't even bother to click a pic of anything that I cook in my pantry. Well, from past many days I did try few things and till date never got enough time to just transfer them to PC and sit with them for some time. Now you might be thinking finally I got time, no I took my precious time which is meant to sleep at night (P.S. I am writing this post at midnight 1 am today). I am stumbling every now and then as though I have lost a touch with blogging. I somehow wanted to update a post today. Three days back we Indians got a new hope, a new beginning under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi. We celebrated his mandate. This ladoo is to mark the second Indian Independence for Indians from the clutches of the 10 years of darkness. A simple easy recipe with no chances of going wrong. Here I share my quick recipe with all.